Marketing Happy Hour Podcast

Teresa Gaikema: Weaving Wellness into Marketing with Essential Oils

• Shelby McFarland • Season 2 • Episode 14

Join us for a heartfelt journey on the Marketing Happy Hour as Teresa Gaikema, a beacon of wellness and growth, offers up her life's fragrant tapestry woven with essential oils. Her dedication to education over mere selling breathes fresh air into the bustling marketplace, guiding individuals to combat stress and insomnia naturally. Teresa's unwavering faith and commitment to authentic living shine through, inspiring listeners to embark on their own quests for genuine well-being.

As your host Shelby McFarland, I've always believed that the richest connections stem from authenticity, and Teresa's approach to marketing is a testament to this creed. We discuss the art of relationship-building in business, the impact of living generously, and how Teresa's strategy of valuing personal connections over transactions has cultivated not just a thriving business but a community rooted in care. Let's celebrate the idea that prosperity blooms fullest when we prioritize people, planting seeds of encouragement and positivity along the way.

Our exchange turns reflective as we consider the role of encouragement in our daily lives. Discover how a simple compliment can spark a chain reaction of positivity, and learn about the pivotal moments at places like David's Burgers, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary through human connection. Teresa and I invite you to continue this enriching dialogue online, where we delve deeper into the transformative world of essential oils and the pursuit of a life lived with intention and kindness.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Marketing Happy Hour podcast, where we stir up the perfect blends of insights, strategies and trends to quench your thirst for marketing and business success. Join us every week as we pull up a chair, pour out the latest business innovations and mix in some expert advice from industry leaders. I am your host, shelby McFarlane, ceo of Shelby Company Incorporated. It's time to shake things up, stir up some creativity and sip on success. Welcome to the Marketing Happy Hour podcast. Hey guys, it's your favorite boss, babe Shelby, here, and I am so glad that you tuned in to this episode of the Marketing Happy Hour podcast. Today I am joined by Teresa Gakuma.

Speaker 1:

I absolutely love this lady. We met about five-ish years ago. We were literally just sitting here talking about how long has it been, so we kind of used our timeline and we met through BNI. But Teresa is so great. She has a passion for cheering others on in the journey of climbing out of defeat and into complete. I've honestly, personally have followed her on social and I'm always inspired by the things that she has to share and the things that she's all about her personal journey and making sure everything's authentic, which I'm totally aligned with. She is an upcoming author, so we're going to dive into that. I forgot about the author part of the there and she's been married to Tim for nearly 31 years.

Speaker 1:

That's literally a year before I was born by the way and they have a passion to see families succeed and enjoy mentoring couples through issues such as isolation and relationships and parenting. They have six children, y'all five of them biological and one was adopted through foster care. That's absolutely incredible. She's also on the worship and ministry team at their home church Encounter, and they enjoy serving as time permits as much as they can. So, teresa, welcome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, it is actually now 31 years. It hit 31 years last week.

Speaker 1:

Wow, 31 years. That's incredible.

Speaker 2:

He's my best friend, slash worst enemy, and I think that's how it should be.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Like. You got to have that mixture of like oh, that was fun, but also I'm going to need you to leave now. I'm taking a break for a minute.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, wow, that's crazy. Well, I know you're all up into the oil business. That's well, um, I know you're all up into the oil business. That's how we met each other through b and I, which, if people don't know what b and I is, you've heard me talk about it. It's a business networking group and we were um in the same. No, were we in the same group? No, we were not. Okay, so you can cross your chapter. Okay, nice, nice, so you can um, like network, with people in other chapters of bni, which is really cool. But I remember we met at the cbd store for a one-on-one that day. You told me all about the oils and then we kind of learned a little bit more about those as well, which was really cool, but kind of brief my audience about what you do with your oils and what kind of business it is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what do I do with my oils? I do everything with my oils. Um, so people ask are you a salesperson? Yeah, I am. You have to believe in what you're selling, right. But I like to consider myself an educator. First, because I can sell you something all day long, but if you don't know what to do with it, what good is it? And you have to know one thing about me Jesus is my jam. The most important thing to me is what Jesus thinks of me. And so if I have made a sale to someone and I don't also make myself available so they know how to use this product, which I also believe is from God then what good is that? I? That's not cool for me.

Speaker 2:

So I would say, probably the typical issues I help people with would be stress, anxiety, allergies, insomnia. So basically, if you've got an issue, there's oils to at least help. I can't say that they cure or heal, because the powers that be won't let me say stuff like that. But I can say hey, god created a garden, put people in the garden to use plants, and so oils are just the immune system of plants. Let's use them, that's it. And then so I was here to question what? What's the business like? That's just it, just educating people, and then business comes as a result.

Speaker 1:

So how long have you been doing this?

Speaker 2:

I started using. I started using October of 2010,. But I was a closet user for about three and a half years because I knew that they sounded a little wonky and I kind of convinced myself first before I started telling people. But then, I believe the Lord said I want you to share you know about oils with my people. So I argued with him like any Christian does and then jumped into it. He won.

Speaker 1:

He won, of course, he always wins. I've been there, done that one, like, no, I don't want to do it, I don't. But then it's like, why does every opportunity lead to the same thing? Like, okay, I got it. I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. I love oils. I've used them for several years and I love that you've referred yourself as, like a closet user. That's so hilarious. But back then, if you think about 2010, let's say, I was in high school but like, if you would have asked my parents back then, hey, we should probably start using some oils to help with Shelby's anxiety they would have looked at me and you like you were crazy.

Speaker 1:

Like no, we're not doing that Like. That's totally not the right thing. So I love your outlook on it and that you really do care about people and you help people. I believe that you brought some when I was pregnant, maybe, or right after I had Kenzie, for her and her sinuses. That was so sweet of you, Um, but it worked a hundred percent and you just have that servant's heart and I really, really love that about you. So, um, that is a great part about you, for sure. So let's dive into how do you use your oils to help people live a healthier lifestyle? So that could be mental, physical. How would you describe your oils and helping people live that healthier lifestyle?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, you need to know that not all oils on the market are actually essential oils. They're liquids that smell good and most of them are toxins. Right, and so that's one of my biggest pet peeves is when people are like, oh, I tried whatever oil. Well, you got it from the store, off the shelf or online, so it's not the same, right, and so when they say they didn't work, this is one of two things they didn't actually use an essential oil or they didn't know what the heck they were doing, and it's often both. So, um, if you're using an authentic essential oil, you can use them one of three ways you smell them, you apply them topically to whatever hurts, or you take them internally, and that's the part that people get. What? Take them internally? Well, yeah, I mean, you eat fruits and vegetables. Yes, you should. Right, it's the same concept, except you're getting in a concentrated form.

Speaker 2:

So, typically, if you're having emotional or mental issues, you're going to smell. Once you smell it, it hits the part of your brain that tells you how to think and feel and respond. If you have a mild physical pain or discomfort, you're going to apply. Or if you've got something going on internally in your belly, you're going to take them internally. So those are the ways that you use them, and it's we're the ones who make it difficult. Like, if I think in a thought I'm going to smell, go to my brain, right. If I'm feeling something, I'm going to put it on, just go right directly to it. And if there's something deep inside, then I'm going to take it deep inside. So that's it.

Speaker 2:

I just kind of help people realize. Oh, there's one, three ways, and it's pretty easy to go there. And there's there's not a wrong way to use them, because once they hit your skin even your skin is your largest organ they go into your blood and so they're actually going to kind of work their magic on their own. You can't really mess it up. The worst thing you can do is get it in your eye and that hurts like a son of a gun, right. And so I'll get some texts like oh my gosh, I didn't know I had on my fingers after I wiped, so my, now my hoo-ha is on fire. There's different things like that. That, okay, how do we take care of that? But it's not the end of the world, right?

Speaker 1:

So oh my gosh, that's so funny and a lot of people don't realize like our skin is the biggest organ on us, so anything that we put on top of us is going to go into our bloodstream. I was talking with Cassandra Benning with the floating Lotus on an episode and I think she said like before we even leave the house, we have like 75 to 80 toxins that's already entered our body as women because we're doing makeup, we're doing like all of our skincare routine, we're taking showers, you know where. God knows what my toddler gets on me.

Speaker 2:

You know there's no telling what she touches on our bodies on purpose, because we don't know Right, yeah, that's where I feel I come in. I want to help educate through that, because it doesn't have to be that way.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about BNI for a little bit. Have you found a lot of success through it, because I believe you're still part of it, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it definitely covered the expense of joining BNI, without question. You know so, when you're in relationship marketing, network marketing, there comes a time when you you have reached the end of what is called your warm market, right, yeah, so that's not to intimidate anyone, because all that means is you get to make more friends, right. But so when you come to the end of your warm market, you need to expand your market, and so BNI has just been a part of that. I get to meet more people and then they introduce me to more people and they introduce me to more people. So, yeah, I love that. I get a weekly section where I get to plug my business and make a suggestion and an education piece on how they use their oils. So it has been beneficial. Occasionally it feels inconvenient because I'm not a morning person and our chapter meets in the morning, like I like you, but give me five minutes please. But other than that, it's great, yeah, and I forget that Essential.

Speaker 1:

Oils is even a network marketing company to's great, yeah, and I forget that essential oils is even a network marketing company. To be honest with you, the way that your approaches with it is so great. You're not like hammering down on trying. I mean, I know you would love to build your team, but you see, like you know the, the people that are in network marketing, so many people are trying to like I need you to sell, I need you to sell, I need you to sell. But I think your approach is so much better than that because you really care about helping people and wanting them to be better and be, you know, live a better, healthier lifestyle and stuff like that, and I think that's very important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, and I, you know, I've had other leaders in the industry. Well, first of all they asked me how are you so successful? You're not pushing the business Right? And then I've had other push me, like you need to push the business, but I didn't want the business pushed on me, I had to use and discover for myself.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, when you go to the store and you find your, your shirt, your favorite company, whatever, or on sale, you're going to tell your people, right, you love your people enough.

Speaker 2:

Hey, there's a sale on XYZ, it's kind of the same thing, and so, but if you're being pushed to do that, no, you don't want that, and I'm kind of a strong willed person, and so it just has to happen organically. And so if I have loved my people well and I've educated well, I have discovered that they naturally, organically, begin to share. And I want it to be a heart centered sharing, rather than I've got to make a buck. The money follows, and that's a hard one to get a hold of. And you know in your mind, and when you are going after the dollar you're losing the people, but when you're going after the people, you get the people and the dollars, and so I'd much rather do you know, and again, I don't have to stand before the Lord and say, hey, I jerked some around to make a couple bucks. You know what I mean? It's a big difference.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I run my business the same way. You know I'm not one of those salespeople that's going to email you a hundred times or call you 300 times, like I have a three touch rule and that's it. You know it's like after the third one if I haven't heard from you. Cool, I got. You know, I got the memo. I understand you don't want to work together. It's totally fine, because when we are so focused on that money and on the dollar which hello the freaking United States or this world is all geared towards let's be successful and make money. But whenever you're focused on that, you're 100% right when you say you lose people and we really want to touch people versus just get the money. And and if you are a believer, then you know that God's going to provide no matter what. You know he has put us all here for a purpose and he knows that, or we should know that he's going to provide for us no matter what, and I think that that's very important for sure.

Speaker 2:

Well you want. My little tagline is let's live lavishly. And so when I started when, I believe, the Lord asked me to start sharing oils, my only request of him was will you make me a giver? Because I've been a missionary or a preacher's kid, I've been in ministry all my life and so I've always been on the receiving end of donations or gifts and after a while you kind of feel just kind of yucky. But you know, the Lord led those people. So it wasn't a bad thing. It's just I wanted to become one of those that gave, and so I have come to believe that I live lavishly by giving lavishly. And so whenever and when we're healthy, when we feel better, we do better, we work better, we're better parents, we're better friends, right, I want to live lavishly by giving lavishly, and so you'll kind of see that in my, in my tagline a lot as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. So let's talk about a couple things. What? How have you personally conquered some of the big changes in your life alongside with the oils and just keeping that positive attitude? Because I know you, I mean as well as I have. We all have gone through big changes, especially, you know, through COVID and all that kind of stuff. What would you say, how have you personally conquered that Like, how have you kept that positivity?

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't think I've conquered that yet. I think I'm ready.

Speaker 2:

Right, I'm in process. Even just this morning I got up and I was like, oh my gosh, who am I? You know what is the deal? What makes me so special? I deal with that just like everybody else. Right, and so well, there was. I was probably about 10 years ago.

Speaker 2:

I was really, really, really struggling with the importance of myself, like I'm important, I am, you're important, and but we can't help anybody if we don't believe that about ourselves. No-transcript started to believe it, right and so and you know, here's the thing, what I say I believe more than what you say, right, so you can say true, so you're amazing, you're beautiful, you have such an influence and you touch lives. And I'll be like, oh, thank you. You know, I feel a little insecure, but if I start seeing myself, you're amazing, you make a difference. I believe it, I believe me more than I believe you, and so that's one thing I've done.

Speaker 2:

The other thing is just learn what the Bible says about me. What does God think about me? If the one who made me has good thoughts for me, who am I to think otherwise? If the one who made me has good thoughts for me, who am I to think otherwise? And so I make my brain line up with his thoughts for me, and I do that actually most often by speaking it out loud. I say what the Bible says about me out loud, and then, of course, using oils. Different oils touches different parts of the brain and they create new neurological pathways, and so if you've got trauma in your life, oils can help you get rid of it. Doesn't take it away right.

Speaker 2:

It takes away some of the responses of that trauma. Your cells have a memory. Oils can help erase some of that memory and then create new in the brain, and so the Lord Bible oils and my hubby's not too bad of a help as well. That's some ways I've done that.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, and I feel like as women and moms in general you know we don't really talk about it as much, but I have those days too. I had one yesterday Like I really just didn't want to do anything. I took a nap at like 10 AM because I was like, okay, this is my rejuvenation, Like I am not even close to getting work done If I sit at my computer and I don't feel inspired. I'm not just going to sit here, you know. So I'd try to like get my body moving and, like you know, or take a nap, you know things that like make me happy and kind of revitalize myself in that way. And you know, as women and business owners and mothers, like we have so many other things around us that we kind of forget about ourselves a little bit. And I think that you know you, using oils, or teaching people about oils, is just another form of self-care to be able to use.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and you know, I think it's also important to find a community of people that love you no matter what and love you enough to tell you when you're off base, right, you'll hear my tribe or my people, but it's just, it's community, and that's how God created us, and so, um, fortunately, I'm in a good church body that they love me no matter what, and so that, and that's huge, that's huge, huge, huge, because it's not easy to find anymore, you know, but that helps, that helps me believe in me, because they're pushing me, and so try to hang out with people that you think highly of, because they're always encouraging to go a little bit higher.

Speaker 1:

And I finally feel that way, like I've been divorced twice now in my life and freaking 12 years, however long it's been, and it seems crazy. But then now it's like, okay, I've learned all this stuff in both of these marriages and in my life experience, but now I'm finally with a partner that like understands me and like accepts me for me and like doesn't have any judgment and I don't judge him. And you know, it's nice to have that person to encourage you. So I love to hear like you, 31 years under your belt, you know, and your husband's like get out of bed and tell you yourself that you're beautiful.

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean, that's really encouraging for young people that because there's a lot of divorces going on I've seen a couple that I went to school with probably like five or six in the past couple of months, like they're getting divorced the same ones that judged me for getting divorced, you know. And I'm like and I hate it because it makes my heart ache, because I understand what they're going through, I understand how much of a you know trauma that can cause in the future and stuff like that. So I think that it's really encouraging for all of us young people that you know there are still couples out there that hate each other one day, love each other the next day. But still there, no matter what, no judgment, you know, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, and I mean, some days there are judgment, but you can use those instead of. You can use them as a platform, as an opportunity to encourage, or you can use them as an opportunity to condemn. Judgment is different than condemning. You know, my husband doesn't have the right to condemn me, right, but he can see if I'm doing something stupid. He can say, hey, honey, listen, you know. And then it's up to me to decide whether or not I want to receive that from him, because sometimes I don't Like, you know, but give and take, it's, it's learn, it's grow, you know.

Speaker 1:

Definitely so help us, um, how can we like what are some ways that we can help other people believe that they're enough? Like what are things that we can personally do to help like our neighbor, our friend, our mom, our sister, somebody that? How can we help them believe that they are enough to be who they want to be?

Speaker 2:

Right. Well, first of all, look at them, see them. You know now I'm going to get all weepy, but yeah, people are walking around. Well, I mean, typically we're on our phones, right, but we're focused on other things and certainly not even on whether or not we're valuable, right, and certainly not whether or not someone else is valuable. But so open your eyes, look at them, and I've made it my purpose every single day when I see someone.

Speaker 2:

I purpose every single day when I see someone, obviously, as opportunity presents itself, I look at a person and I see one positive thing about them, even if it's just physical, and I just tell them and sometimes I'll have to preface it with hey, if it's a guy, I promise I'm happily married, but I see this in you and I just believe in telling someone this is the good I see. And so, and nine times out of 10, in fact more often that people will just what. And so, see people, give them a praise of anything, and most people will receive it, and then you're helping them believe in themselves, just like that. And so, like you know, I also have a little side job at David's burgers. I'm a server. That was so cool to do that, by the way, but it's become my favorite place to connect with people because they go to eat. Totally perfect.

Speaker 1:

It's so perfect for you. It is it really?

Speaker 2:

is. I go home tired, achy and smelly, but I've got oils in the shower, so we're good. But I have literally got guests at the restaurant. They come back to that location because they know that's where I will be. I've had people tell me I had such a bad day yesterday and knew I needed to come see you. And I'm not doing anything, I'm just seeing them, and so my biggest suggestion is just see others. Make yourself look at other people and then find something positive about them. It doesn't mean you don't see the negative, but only call out the gold right. Learn to live lavishly by giving lavishly. Give them some encouragement and support, and you can't help but feel good in return. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

And it absolutely, and it's so important for our kids too, because we can get so wrapped up in our phones and it's like I see a gosh. The other day at Target, this mom was yelling at her kid, you don't even deserve to be here and I don't know why. You're, you know just a lot of things. And I just like my heart breaks because I wake up every day as a mom to Kinsey and I go you are beautiful, you are loved, you are so smart. You know doesn't mean that she's not a brat. Sometimes she is a teenager, you know like.

Speaker 1:

I she does have her moments that I'm like mom's going to lock you outside, but other than that I don't really people, I don't lock my kid outside, but anyway. So it's one of those like, okay, we need to make sure that we're focusing. We need to make sure that we're focusing on our kids, because this next generation coming up have access to the world through a little device in their hands all the time, and I think it's very important that we make sure we raise them that way. And even just like when we saw you at David's Burgers that day and you let Kenzie make the ice cream cone I mean little things like that, you know just so sweet and nice and I can understand why people would definitely want to come back and see you.

Speaker 2:

Well, but you know, you just said the keyword raise them. There's a lot of people that give birth to children and they allow them to grow up, but they don't raise them. There's a difference. Raising someone, a child, is intentional, is purposeful, and so it's also important to show our children how to see other people. Right. When Kenzie sees she loves someone else learns oh, that's what that looks like and I want to be like mommy. Right, they all want to be like us, and so when mommy and daddy are a good example of seeing other people loving other people, we're also raising our children to do the same. And then that continues and so good?

Speaker 1:

yeah, definitely. So tell everyone how they can find you online. So if they want to order any oils which literally from anywhere, you can order oils from Teresa so tell us how that, how they can do that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Okay, well, so I have a website, just because it's kind of the thing that everybody does. Right, it is oilylife slash, live lavishly. You can find me on Facebook as Teresa Eves Geickema. You might want to put that somewhere in print, because that's a weird name. I think I'm just Teresa Geickema on Instagram. I'm still learning. I think that's the part. I'm over a half century years old and so I'm still learning some of the things. I'm not amazing at all that, but I'm still important, right.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely. And you connect yourself with people that are already helping you share your message without having to use all that or like know exactly what to do and all that. Just think about the people coming in David's burgers. You may sell a couple oils, or if they're like, oh, we've heard ourself, you know, you should never know, you may have in your pocket to help them. So yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I've actually got quite a few new customers for oils. You know, yeah, yeah, to know someone. They'll ask so and I'll say this hey, if you are someone who is interested in oils and you are good at stuff online, let's connect, because I'll help you know what the heck to do with oils and you can help me know what the heck to do online. Sound good?

Speaker 1:

Well, there you go. That's awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the show today. I've really enjoyed our time together and I'm sure me and Kim's will be seeing you at David's Burgers soon. Enough, that's one of her favorite places.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh well, good I was. I've been wondering when I was going to see her again. Yes, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Well, thanks, guys, we'll. I will talk to you next week and thank you so much again for being on the show.

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